February 12, 2023
Nils Braune
(4:19) Hello into the cyberspace!
Eric Likness
(6:45) @David Martin Graff He's definitely facing the less favored direction on the train.
Graham Rule
(6:59) Fancy Blackmagic kit?
Randy Dees
(7:25) got my custom Coverlee last week....
Świat Seby
(7:32) Q: I think your front camera is not focus correctly?
Marc Rossmann
(7:40) Q Gosh getting me dizzy with motion background going miss this one
Nils Braune
(9:22) Wow. Chat will not like it when this stream eventually switches to VR.
(11:32) Much better
Nils Braune
(11:33) It's super sharp now.
Eric Likness
(11:34) Right now you are sharp
Graham Rule
(12:35) Can you zoom in on the controls please?
Nils Braune
(17:33) There's a blur or resolution mismatch on the output. It's not the camera that's out of focus.
Świat Seby
(31:34) ultimatte destroy quality from front camera :/
Nils Braune
(33:14) Looking at the image in the middle I get the sudden urge to buy an iPod.
Eric Likness
(37:49) Evenness of light + Greenscreen equals less problems 👍
(43:30) Q can you do a few seconds with main cam and then cam on ultimatte? Ultimatte seems to drop frames.
(44:51) Q: Is that an Atem app for layering useful for mini extreme or can it be used with mini pro’s limited super source?
Randy Dees
(46:06) Q: it seems to handle the fact that the greenscreen doesn't cover your whole background....
Eric Likness
(47:19) What I'm learning about Ultimatte 12 is there's a setting for that, just need to hunt it down.
(49:21) gsrbage matt
Carl Wikman
(51:52) Going way way down the rabbit hole!
Eric Likness
(53:45) Now it's BTS segment transition to Q&A
Jens Willmroth
(53:50) I like how the Ultimatte accurately handles glasses ans reflections on glasses
(54:22) Q: how much does it cost?
Hans Winzell
(55:58) the sound is a bit distored?
Eric Likness
(56:40) 🔉sound level is a little clipped???
Matt Flint
(57:04) sounds fine to me
Adam West
(57:44) It is distorted
(57:46) I can hear clipping. It's minor though.
Nils Braune
(57:47) It's a different mic. It's just a bit hot.
Eric Likness
(58:06) Is it 2nd desk microphone picking up?
(58:55) Yes sound seem slightly echo
Jamie Harper
(59:02) Q. Hey Aaron! I remember some time back I asked about the pop up graphic you run for your comments, we use Vimeo for our live streams is there a version I can use for the live comments? Great stream!
Raul Espinosa
(59:05) What the TC is telling you?
(59:29) definatly different since the location move
Hans Winzell
(59:53) now the sound is better
Jens Willmroth
(59:54) Clipping is gone
Richard Louis-Pierre
(59:55) Check the input gain
(59:56) TC says fine b/c output is good level. Input was clipping so it stays clipped throughout the signal chain.
Adam West
(1:00:02) It sounds better now
Eric Likness
(1:00:03) Sound = Good 👍
Carl Wikman
(1:00:04) It is decent sound
Stop & Think
(1:01:12) Q: Aaron:; I recently bought an ATEM Mini Pro Extreme and removed my previous Mini Pro. I cannot get the Extreme to load properly. Amy suggested tutorials? Hank
(1:02:35) Q Perhaps he's trying to load the xml saved from the Pro?
Burt Groenheim
(1:02:59) Q: I have an atem mini pro, and yolobox pro. What is the best way to connect them? Can I still use multi view?
(1:04:04) Q: Noice, what is the name of that long light?
Adrián Buzzetti
(1:04:43) Q: Is it possible to use the key generated by the talent and invert it with a threshold?
(1:05:02) Q its probably YT or my Xbox then. You seem to skip a bit when first switching to it.
(1:05:35) Q: when does the photo contest end? Just got my PK1 Extreme ProStreamer in and gonna set it up in the morning.
Matt Flint
(1:07:06) Q can you recommend a monitor for the purpose of showing a zoom call in a teleprompter. I would be using the Yolobox Pro run into a macbook
(1:09:12) Hello...your videos are really helpful....learnt so many new things in the world of live streaming....love from India 🇮🇳
Richard Sletcher
(1:09:18) When I use the ATEM for green screen and I move my hand fast in front of the green screen, I get green blur between my fingers. Does that happen with the Ultimatte?
(1:10:49) Hey, how does latency through constellation compare to videohub for IMAG scenarios?
(1:12:35) Good morning, from Melbourne Australia
Jens Willmroth
(1:12:52) The Constellation like all switchers add up to one frame. für IMAG you want to genlock your sources.
David Martin Graff
(1:13:05) Q: is there any latency difference in Yolobox Pro between bringing in a source from another Yolobox device or from the Guest interface?
(1:13:56) in that one year I won over $10K in cash and prizes
(1:13:59) Aaron. In December 2021 You did a giveaway for an ATEM Mini power cable.
(1:14:03) I won that. and it was my first win in a year of giveaways and sweepsteakes.
(1:14:07) in that one year I won over $10K in cash and prizes
(1:14:09) I never forgot about you
Graham Rule
(1:14:19) Are there cameras with a second output for alpha based on proximity?
(1:14:51) hello from Slovakia- europe
Eric Likness
(1:15:00) @WutrUduin? yes, I would like to see the full animated background from the start of show again, lots of movement.
David Martin Graff
(1:15:26) live streaming one day will be the byproduct of an AI dedicated black box form factor that based on millions of algorithms will be able to professionally produce and auto shoot a live streaming
Clifford Bradbury
(1:15:45) q: what are the save / load settings like on the Matte
Jamie Harper
(1:16:28) Q. Hey Aaron! I remember some time back I asked about the pop up graphic you run for your comments, we use Vimeo for our live streams is there a version I can use for the live comments? Great stream!
IT Never Gets Old
(1:17:47) Q: I am mulling using my Yolobox Pro as a contributor front-end to my AEI. Sending remote contributors a Zoom-like URL is attractive while not having to do multi-machine and audio gymnastics.Thoughts?
IT Never Gets Old
(1:19:47) The audio is what I am stumbling with...and yes your video was inspiring some of these thoughts
(1:22:50) Wow. Thick KB.
Jamie Harper
(1:23:02) Awesome, that’s exactly the link I was looking for! I used to have it working but changed systems and couldn’t find the link again, thank you 😊
Eric Likness
(1:24:49) I'm voting yes 👍 Desktop local app, logging in every 90 days = wrong
(1:25:04) Yeah. I can understand if the app hasn't been opened in 30 days. But if you open it everyday, you shouldn't have to.
IT Never Gets Old
(1:25:32) Agreed. Desktop apps should be DESKTOP apps
Matei Lungu
(1:26:04) How can I capture music from a mixer if i am at a party?:))) i am ok with a short amswer, i don’t want to lose your time
Matei Lungu
(1:27:44) Can it be a wireless connection? with the mixer
Jens Willmroth
(1:28:19) @Matei Lungu You most probably want a different mix for a live stream that for PA. You want to invest in a Mixer with at least a secondary mix.
Noel Del Pilar
Matei Lungu
(1:30:35) Thank for answer
Matei Lungu
(10:07:51) Thank for answer