January 26, 2025
Emerald Audiovisual
(7:14) and the audio level is a bit low
Sven Lakemeier
(8:25) video and audio is out of sync here
(9:52) go easy on him guys 😆 we are worst than a mother in law
(10:04) You can tell your not on your better mic in the studio,
(10:56) look who made it to the other location as promised 🙌
Irshaad Abdool
(12:08) image a little too bright though..
(12:26) yeah the acoustics are not great I would need lots of sound blankets to fix this.
Fortune Works - Phillip Fortune
(12:54) image is overly bright, kinda washed out.
Rene Brunken
(13:56) Q: some of the BG is shining through the map display.
Gwen Park
(17:07) when you cut to map full screen, audio cut out
Irshaad Abdool
(20:09) Do you mean you will output two channels from OBS? Can this be done?
Eric Likness
(21:47) To me the cabling for this setup seems not too messy. Pretty neat overall. Under control 👍
(22:00) Q • Can you tell us about your portable workstation desk.
Irshaad Abdool
(22:35) Does the scenes stay after poweroff?
Markus Franke
(22:48) Q: Is it possible to change the sizes of the inputs in the multisource settings - without using scences?
Mike Felton
(24:25) Your sound needs more delay - it is currently ahead of video.
Gwen Park
(24:25) @Burak Yalcin you can ask other questions (start with Q), but he probably won't get to them until after he talks about setup
Mike Felton
(24:31) Your sound needs more delay - it is currently ahead of video.
Sven Lakemeier
(24:50) q: what's with frame rate drops. do you see that locally?
(28:36) lots of dropped frames, coming good occassionally
Gwen Park
(28:42) Q: FYI frame drops have been happening regularly but not constantly
(29:18) Q:Aaron is it possible to connect a usb microphone?
(30:11) Q Can you run a speed test from the RCV?
Daniel Monteiro
(30:27) q: can you contol it with companion?
Dean Cullen
(31:40) @Aaron Parecki Is my connection or is there a delay on video and audio on this stream. Really love the quality in the video.
Gwen Park
(31:57) Frame drops get pretty bad sometimes. Ignorable except when you're demoing something that we need to see
Irshaad Abdool
(32:29) Any way for you to monitor the quality? Video plays very fluid then breaks for some time and then fluid again
Jonathan Palmer
(33:18) Q: do you have a strong opinion on which GUI interface to use for companion? Does the (en0) option allow you to access the companion config from anywhere on the network?
Gwen Park
(34:56) I'd definitely fix frame drops if this was a client job, but fine for this stream
Sven Lakemeier
(35:03) I think it isn't unwatchable, but I would love to see if a lan cable fixes this
Frankie King (Frontline Audio Visual)
(35:13) Q can I suggest you stop the limelight on the stairs changing colours
(35:29) if this is live I'm watching without any issues
Gwen Park
(38:25) no music yet if you started playing
(40:06) yes we hear you
Markus Franke
(40:07) i can hear you
Let Your Nerd Be Heard
(40:08) yes we hear you
(43:09) Your in sync or close enough
(43:10) 1 clap
Irshaad Abdool
(45:14) Aaron live reporting from closet
Bruce Bedell
(46:24) Q Does the RCV buffer like the Atem on bad connection
RICH Photography
(47:54) FPS seems low
Sven Lakemeier
(47:56) still looks low on fps
(48:08) It seemed to pick up where yo left off. Even heard you say 'no data'
Gwen Park
(51:37) my screen's frozen with him about to restart. lol
(51:41) we need a backup reel with some cat footage on hot standby for these kind of situations
Richard Walker
(51:47) Well just talk amongst ourselves.
Rich Davis
(51:50) Q. I know you can’t without creating a new stream, but would love to know what the alternative protocol would do assuming this is SRT. Is this an SRT settings issue?
Gerhard Kostrewa
(52:15) It’s better now
Adam West
(52:17) Less jitters than before - which isn't a good sign for the RCV
Rich Davis
(53:07) Q. Ahh, so this may be an encoding bug in the RCV…
Bruce Bedell
(53:21) Q Would network bonding help in this situation?
(53:34) What the command to show Data rate?
(54:34) You ran the rcv for 24 hours
RICH Photography
(55:19) Is the RCV on high in the stream bitrate setting?
Gwen Park
(55:39) Screenshare zoom in was not smooth but camera was fine.
Rich Davis
(56:56) This also fixed the lip sync for me, which now looks fine where it wasn't prior to your reboot.
Emerald Audiovisual
(57:06) no SRT yet
Rich Davis
(57:13) The connection speed in Stats for Nerds is not the encoding rate, but how quickly you pull chunks from YT.
Chad Lancaster
(57:22) Q: what’s a good bitrate for 1080/30 for going to YouTube?
Irshaad Abdool
(57:41) Can we try the clap again?
RICH Photography
(59:08) Turn your monitor sound up, headphones do work in the monitor out
Sven Lakemeier
(59:13) q: monitor has no headphone jack?
RICH Photography
(59:13) Turn your monitor sound up, headphones do work in the monitor out
Sven Lakemeier
(1:02:45) q: monitor has no headphone jack?
Emerald Audiovisual
(1:03:00) Q: check the bitrate at the bottom right corner of your multiview. if it is 7 Mbit/s, it is on high
Rich Davis
(1:03:13) The livestreams where Aaron breaks stuff are always the most fun!!!
Outside Leverage
(1:03:35) Q: Do you still prefer the Rodecaster Video over the Atem Mini Line??
Rene Brunken
(1:05:04) Q: I only see 1 level meter reacting so camera audi is not on
Richard Walker
(1:06:51) What other features does it have? Eq, deessing, noise gate etc?
Markus Franke
(1:08:43) Q: I have just tested that you can also connect headphones via the monitor port. However, the sound must then be switched on at the wheel at the top right and, if necessary, also in the audio settings
RICH Photography
(1:10:17) Markus is correct. The monitor out on the RCV works to hear audio delay. But it’s very soft. So push the volume up.
Adam West
(1:10:35) Your main camera is slightly overexposed
FB Production Vidéo
(1:10:50) I love that we can use Rode Central on a computer to control the RCV while on the same network. Do you think Rode will allow the same feature on iPad or iPhone? Kind of a MixEffect App.
Mike Felton
(1:11:58) Ooooh - I think you have overdone the Aphex FX :)
Chris Winger
(1:12:14) Q: What webcams work with the Rodecaster?
Gwen Park
(1:12:28) Q: just want to say you're doing an excellent job working through everything. It can be hard reading only criticisms so want to be sure you knew you're doing great!
Josh Sattin
(1:12:47) Q - Hey Aaron! Can you talk a little bit about your chat interface. I watched the video you made several years ago, but what you are using today looks more refined. Thanks!
Irshaad Abdool
(1:13:48) Youhoo lol
Chris Winger
(1:15:08) Thats wild. I need to watch last weeks!
(1:15:12) Q there is a webcam list on the rode site
Stephen Barncard
(1:16:24) Your room is very reverent
Sven Lakemeier
(1:17:22) The sound is kind of overprocessed at the moment, pretty boomy
Chris Winger
(1:17:40) Q: I have the Atem Extreme stand, are you planning on making one for the Rode?
(1:18:35) Q: Love seeing Lumix cams still thriving
(1:20:41) for those just tuning in, the lag on the computer screen is not because of the RCV or YT.
Vitales Leben und Arbeiten | Robert Jautschus
(1:20:54) Hi everyone, I came directly from arriving in my Hotel (training tomorrow). I am looking for a smart Workaround, to invite 1-2 Guests without Software in the RVC. Do you have an advice for me?
Eric Likness
(1:23:10) Streamyard ? For guests in a pinch.
Thomas Lambright
(1:23:58) Q: does the Rodecaster video also have the new virtual devices audio feature that was released for the Rodecaster duo?
Markus Franke
(1:24:37) Q: Unfortunately, venues often only have weak wifi and no cable. I've already thought about buying a 5G router. Can you recommend one that also has an Ethernet output that I can connect to the RCV?
Emerald Audiovisual
(1:26:11) at least on Mac they don't work, yet.
Gwen Park
(1:27:10) If want the slider in your main studio, maybe mount to ceiling?
Irshaad Abdool
(1:27:19) Your opinion of combining RCV and YB for overlays
Gwen Park
(1:28:54) I hate that a lot of gear on Amazon doesn't show pictures of the ports. B&H FTW (if available there)
Jon Schwark
(1:29:11) Hackin Aaron lol... this is good though because could you imagine if you had a client show hacked?
Jon Schwark
(1:29:32) Hi from San Francisco! was watching on my phone while i cooked breakfast but wanted to be sure i checked in. :)
(1:29:39) I think the RCP 2 with the Ultra is the better combo
Emerald Audiovisual
(1:30:07) Q: what I find annoying with the Streamdeck implementation (of the RCV), is that if it gets restarted or the connection is list, it doesn't auto-reconnect. And that is true for Elgato SW and Companion
Gwen Park
(1:30:28) I like to combine ATEM/GSD (switching) + Ecamm (overlays, video playback & encoding)
(1:32:34) Q would it be possible to go back to RCV WiFi, now we know it was an encoder problem.
Eric Likness
(1:34:26) Do it LIVE!
Emerald Audiovisual
(1:34:29) we got 3 and spinner
Eric Likness
(1:34:48) It's back yes!
Daron Green
(1:34:49) back
Markus Franke
(1:35:14) Q: I actually only use the Elgato Stream Deck software instead of Companion with the RCV. Does Companion offer many advantages for the RCV?
Eric Likness
(1:36:52) Full Recovery, boo-yah! 💥💪😎
Emerald Audiovisual
(1:37:01) Q: if you had used the GH7 and added a USB-C network dongle, you would be able to do it over the network. Same for the GH5-II
Gwen Park
(1:38:53) Also, Companion gives you triggers, variables, etc. for more complex things. AFAIK you can't do that with Elgato software
Gwen Park
(1:39:52) VIdeo has been playing smooth on wifi so far
Emerald Audiovisual
(1:40:00) Q: the dials of the Streamdeck Plus have better support in the Elgato software opposed to Companion. For some of the other stuff, Companion is better. So I'm running a hybrid (with Companion mapped9
Rene Brunken
(1:40:14) Q: Demo request for next time: How to prepare a backup stream ( 2nd computer f.e. ) for youtube.
Daron Green
(1:41:07) Q: If you plug the ethernet back in does it switch back to wired?
(1:43:08) q And you've testing going back and forth from main and backup streams in a past stream.
(1:43:13) woud it not pause the stream if you plugged it in ?
Nils Braune
(1:43:20) Did all this switching break Youtube? I can't catch up by clicking on LIVE anymore and seem to be 11 seconds behind in the stream.
(1:44:39) Q: I have checked my Yolobox Pro into the RCV, via Yolobox UVC output,and it does not see it. Looks like HDMI only.
Let Your Nerd Be Heard
(1:45:04) @Gwen Park I look forward to the day when I can use Companion plugin to have multiple SD controlled individually vs following each other.
Let Your Nerd Be Heard
(1:48:17) multi decks into Companion yes but not when using the Stream Deck plugin.
(1:48:30) When I produce I like using the device so I've never used Companion I see the value as a single user but I got the YoloDeck and will just use that once it fully integrated into my Ultra
Matthias Bohlen
(1:49:05) Q: Does Companion migrate the old delays into new waits?
Let Your Nerd Be Heard
(1:49:22) there are lots of great updates in v3.5 more than 99 pages, action groups, internal wait, moving pages, unlimited grid size options, and more
(1:53:14) FYI Curtis Judd is back this week
Info | Vorx Media
(1:53:22) Q how to add lower third in atom, Softwere control With in separate laptop. I meen like a video source
Markus Franke
(1:53:59) Q: how did you connect your phone to the rcv?
Nils Braune
(1:54:56) Room needs more Hyperdecks!
Bromadic Life Adventures
(1:55:29) I got my Roadcaster Video last week. I Love it, but I cannot get my Wireless Go II’s to connect. I have tried everything. Any suggestions?
Markus Franke
(1:57:32) WOuld be great to have another rcv stream soon!
Emerald Audiovisual
(1:58:26) @MattWRuff Wireless Go II and later actually
(1:58:29) Also ensure they are on latest version of the firmware