December 5, 2021
Another Camera Channel
(5:55) is this an Airport?
Michał Kozakiewicz
(7:04) why you use rtmp ? SRT is much better for that
Michał Kozakiewicz
(7:06) why you use rtmp ? SRT is much better for that
Keith Bennett
(7:35) Q: Always have a “back up” so as usual you rocked the moment and are live! Good job.
Dean Cullen
(7:48) @Aaron Parecki what camera are you streaming with?
Rick Allen
(13:46) @Aaron Parecki So why are you in Helsinki?
Arne Hildebrand
(14:12) What are your further travel plans?
Another Camera Channel
(17:38) Did all that cost money? Was it an expensive process?
Another Camera Channel
(18:37) So you're saying if we wanna do the test.... take the Finnish test remotely because it's cheap and easy? 🙂
Keith Bennett
(18:38) Q: I want a drone now… just kidding I will use a boom pile with my DJI mobile hooked on it.
Keith Bennett
(18:52) Q:Train footage please!